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van advertising

Van Advertising

Van advertising is an excellent strategy to maximise brand exposure and reach a vast audience. This cost-effective method transforms a van into a mobile billboard, allowing you to showcase your products or services.

With the potential to attract attention on the move, van stickers enable businesses to expand their advertising reach and create lasting impressions.

Van Advertising to Boost Brand Visibility

Van advertising is crucial in the vast landscape of out-of-home channels, providing a powerful tool to enhance your brand visibility. By transforming these vehicles into mobile billboards, companies can achieve significant marketing milestones, connecting with a wider audience and leaving a lasting impact.

Advantages of Van Advertising

4x4 truck advertising is incredibly effective in capturing attention and attracting new customers. This advertising medium offers a range of advantages to accelerate top-of-mind awareness and conversion:

Wide Reach and Targeted Exposure

Take your advertising to the next level with targeted van advertising. Our fleet of mobile billboards allows you to target high-traffic areas where your potential customers hang out.

With this focused approach, you can maximise your marketing efforts and ensure that your message is seen by the right people at the right time.

High Visibility and Impact

Due to the large surface area and tall side profile of a van, sizable ads with bold logo and compelling messages are displayed at eye level. Van advertising is a reliable means to boost brand visibility and recall leaving a lasting impact on your target audience.

Cost-Effective and Flexible Advertising Solution

Van advertising offers a highly cost-effective solution for businesses looking to maximise their advertising impact.

Compared to running campaigns on outdoor billboards, vehicle advertising costs 70% less.

Here are other proven ways to leverage van advertising for your marketing campaign:
  • The freedom to scale your campaign empowers you to test the waters with a smaller fleet of vans before expanding.
  • Imagine looking at the same billboard ads for weeks or months on your daily commute to work. That’s ad fatigue. Unlike billboards, ads on moving vans offer a dynamic impression brought on by new audiences along the van’s travelling route.
  • The affordable production costs of van advertising empower you to optimise advertising budgets.

Why Choose VOOH’s Van Advertising Services?

Refined targeting, cost optimisation, brand visibility and custom campaigns. These are the advantages that we offer to businesses of all sizes and industries, regardless of multinational corporation, B2B enterprise, B2C company or D2C brand.

Targeted Audience Reach

Van advertising offers the unique ability to connect with your ideal customers by traversing high-traffic areas. Furthermore, vans are a primary choice for companies to deliver in bulk, making them a common sight in industrial and commercial areas.

This routine renders van advertising an excellent medium to target B2B audiences. Let us know your preferred location and timeline to turn impressions of our vans into actions.

Customised Advertising Campaigns

Create captivating advertising campaigns with our vans that perfectly align with your brand's message, resulting in an extraordinary impact and unparalleled audience engagement.

Craft advertisements that exhilarate your target audience by showcasing the exceptional features and benefits of your brand. Through strategic ad placements, you will ensure maximum visibility and effectiveness, fuelling enthusiasm around your brand.

Cost-Effective Solution

Generate the most impact for your marketing campaigns at a fraction of the cost compared to traditional advertising methods.

Does your budget allow you the privilege of excess? Then, a full-wrap van advertising campaign is your best bet. If your budget is tight, you can still get the best value for your money with our van sticker advertising. Combined with our designs, fleet, targeting options and analytics, you can maximise every cent you invest with us.

Enhanced Brand Recall

Van advertising offers a unique opportunity for your business to stand out from the crowd and promote top of mind awareness. This increased brand recall not only boosts brand awareness but also helps establish credibility and trust among potential customers.

Types of Van Advertising

Choose from a variety of ad formats on vans.

Van Sticker Advertising


Operating on a tighter budget? You can still make every cent count with stickers. For a fraction of the vehicle wrapping cost, you can transfer the savings from the wrap to get more vans to increase brand awareness by four to five times.

There’s a reason ad stickers are installed on the side and rear of the van - it’s a part of the industry’s best practice that we adhere to achieving maximum cost-efficient results.

Partial Van Wrap Advertising

Van advertising front profile using partial wrap also known as half wrap.
Van advertising side shot using partial wrap also known as half wrap
Van advertising front profile using partial wrap also known as half wrap

A partial van wrap is the perfect way to get an attractive look for your ads without breaking your budget. The strategic placement of the wraps allows you to focus on important messages and design elements to make a lasting impression.

Van advertising back profile using full wrap also known as 3/4 wrap
Van advertising side shot using full wrap also known as 3/4 wrap
Van advertising front profile using full wrap also known as 3/4 wrap

Full Van Wrap Advertising

Maximise your brand exposure by employing every inch of the van’s body. A full wrap is an excellent choice to convert our vans into your on-the-road brand ambassadors.

Let us spread your brand

How Does Our Van Advertising Work?

Van advertising utilises the exterior space of the vehicle as a mobile billboard to promote brands and messages. Ads with attractive graphics, logos, and slogans on the van will travel through targeted areas, reaching a wide and diverse audience throughout their daily routes.

We will scope out your campaign goals, target area and campaign requirements.

Market Selection

Identify the geo-targeted area you would like to cover. You can select from single or multiple cities. Or go even granular and target specific areas in a city.

Vehicle Selection

Choose the type of vehicle, fleet size and campaign duration. Besides vans, you can also advertise on a motorbike, car, 4 x 4 truck or lorry.

Book a call

Let us amplify your marketing results